Monday 18th February 2013.
The Installation Meeting of Charity Mark No. 935
The lodge of Charity of Mark Master Masons held it installation on the 18th February 2013. The principal guest was VW Bro Keith Alan Beardmore PGJO Deputy Provincial Grand Master. Keith was accompanied by the Assistant Grand Master W Bro Ian Douglas Nairn PGJD and six other grand officers.
Above: Dennis Houghton PAGStdB, Frank Cooke PGStdB, Installing Master WBro George Walsh PrADC,
Alan Marlow PAGStdB, Alex Sharp PGJO, Ian Clark PGJO, Ken Alker PGJD special rep, Keith Beardmore,
WM Evan Walsh & Ian Nairn.
On admission to the lodge Keith and the rest of the grand officers were given a warm welcome by the WM Bro George Walsh Pr AGDC. The installing officers were put in place, SW Malcolm Cook PPrGJW, JW Brain Dietz PPrGSO, IG Alan Jones PPrAGDC.  The Master Elect Bro Evan Walsh was then presented to the WM for the benefit of installation.
Above: Evan Walsh being congratulated by the Dep PGM and over looked by
Bob Hayes the Lodge DC, who is to  be promoted to PPrGSW in May.
Above: The 'Galaxy' in attendance.

W Bro George Walsh did what can only be described as an excellent job in installing his successor.

The working tools were given in an exemplary fashion by Bro Alan Hall who was only advanced last year. The presentation of the keystone collar jewel was given by Ken Laites PPrGJO. The addresses were given by Bob Hayes PPrGJO (PPrGSW designate) to the WM, by David Ogden PPrGJD to the wardens, by David Brogan PAGDC to the overseers  and by VWBro Keith Beardmore Dep PrGM to the brethren.

After the work in lodge there was the usual provincial bar and a delightful banquet provided for us by Christine Hughes and her staff.

Article and Photographs Courtesy of Ken Alker